12 12.06.2019

Brazilian franchising sector

2019-09-06T09:05:39+00:00Business Solutions, Franchising|

Brazilian franchising sector grew 7% in the first quarter. According to ABF (Brazilian Franchising Association), revenue rose from R$ 38.762 billion to R$ 41.464 billion (approximately US$10bn). Considering the last 12 months, growth was 7.5%. Check the full article, in Portuguese, on https://www.abf.com.br/com-mais-unidades-e-empregos-setor-de-franquias-cresce-7-no-1o-tri-de-2019-2/ Interested in investing in Franchising in Brazil? Talk to one of the specialists at CH-BusinessDesign by sending a private message

More infos: https://www.abf.com.br/com-mais-unidades-e-empregos-setor-de-franquias-cresce-7-no-1o-tri-de-2019-2/

1 01.06.2019


2019-09-06T09:10:15+00:00Industrial Design|

Let’s talk about Stereolithography (SLA).  The SLA line was developed for printers that use laser stereolithography (SLA) technology, a method that uses light to solidify a photopolymerizable resin. The resin is stored in the vessel, leading to polymerization of the material by printing the layer to layer to form the desired pattern. Do  you want to know more about SLA? Our specialists in Industrial Design are looking forward to understanding your needs. Contact us via Private message. The first consultation is free of charge.

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